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Plant Dis ; 2021 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33434036


Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as the jade vine, emerald vine, or turquoise jade vine, is a species of Fabaceae native to the Philippines. The plants have blue-green color inflorescences, which makinge them one of the most admired ornamental plants in Brazil (Muniz et al. 2015). In addition, the plants contain compounds with anticancer properties (Ragasa et al. (2014) isolated compounds from S. macrobotrys with anticancer properties. In March 2019, an adult jade plant, grown under the trellis system in an experimental area at the campus of the University of São Paulo (USP), Piracicaba, state of São Paulo, was found showing mosaic symptoms typical of a virus infection. Preliminary examination of negatively stained leaf extracts by transmission electron microscopy detected elongated, flexuous particles similar tolike thoseat of a potyviruses. Further observations of thin sections of symptomatic leaf tissues revealed the presence of cylindrical inclusions, as well as bundles of thin, elongated, and filamentous particles, typical of potyvirus infection in epidermal, parenchymalparenchymal, and vascular regions, as well as bundles of thin, elongated and filamentous particles. Subsequent molecular and biological assays confirmed the presence of a potyvirusTo identify the species of the virus, .Presence of a potyvirus was confirmed by subsequent molecular and biological assays. Ttotal RNA was extracted from a pool of symptomatic leaves from the plant using the Purelink viral RNA/DNA kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and analyzed by one- step RT-PCR using potyviruses universal primers PV1/SP6 and WCIEN-sense (Mackenzie et al. 1998; Maciel et al. 2011), which amplify a 750-bp fragment. Total RNA extracted from an asymptomatic jade vine, obtained from a florist shop, was used as a negative controlincluded in the assay. PCR products at the expected size (~750-bp) were observed in the symptomatic plant but not in the asymptomatic plant. BLASTn analysis of the Nnucleotide sequence of the amplicon obtained only from total RNA of the symptomatic plant (GenBank accession no. MN970030) showed that it shares 90.82% to 97.859% identity with corresponding nucleotide sequences of the Korean isolate WS162 of soybean mosaic virus (SMV) deposited at the GenBank (, accession no. FJ640973, FJ640956, D88616). Extracts from symptomatic leaves of the jade plant wereas mechanically inoculated onto leaves of healthy plants of jade vine, Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis), soybean cv. NA 5909 (Glycine max), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa). One plant of jade plant and four plants of each other species were inoculated , and infection was assessed based and monitored for symptom expression on symptom expression, and RT-PCR. The jade vine and Jack bean plants were infected by SMV, showingdeveloped mild mosaic symptoms approximately 60 and 15 days after inoculation, respectively , whereas the plants of other species were absent of any visible symptoms . To confirm the potyvirus identity, the jade vine samples were also tested by cConventional RT-PCR with SMV-specific primers pairs CP-F-SMV/CP-R-SMV (Jaramillo Mesa et al., 2018) and SMV-CPf/SMV-CPr (Wang and Ghabrial, 2002), thawhicht amplify fragments of 1000 990-bp and 469-bp90, respectively, nucleotides offrom the CP geneome region of SMV was performed, respectively. Amplicons of expected sizes were obtained from the total RNA of the leaves of field-infected and the mechanically inoculated plant of jade plantsvine as well as the Jack bean plants, but not from the asymptomatic jade plantvine and plants of other species the negative control. The viral nucleotide sequences obtained with the above pairs of primersBLASTn analysis of nucleotide sequences of the amplicons showed that they share 96.81% and 97.63% identity, respectively, with the same Korean SMV isolate WS162. These results demonstrate that… the field-symptomatic jade vine was infected with SMV, which is naturally transmitted by aphids speciess in a non-persistent manner and via soybean infected seeds (Hajimorad et al. 2018)( ). The virus appears to have has a restricted narrow natural host range., Aapart from soybean, and to date, it has only been reported the natural infection has been documented only in soybean, Lagenaria siceraria, Passiflora spp., Pinellia ternata, Senna occidentalis, and Vigna angularis (Almeida et al., 2002; Chakraborty et al. 2016; Hajimorad et al. 2018). To our knowledge, this is the first report of SMV in S. macrobotrys in the world. Further surveys are necessary to determine the incidence of the virus in ornamental jade plants vines and its importance as virus reservoirs for commercial soybean crops.

Rev. argent. salud publica ; 13(Suplemento COVID-19): 1-9, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292533


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los trabajadores y las trabajadoras de la salud (TS) poseen la mayor exposición laboral al contagio SARS-CoV-2. El aumento de la infección y la mortalidad afecta a los sistemas sanitarios. El reconocimiento transitorio de la enfermedad COVID-19 como enfermedad profesional (EP) fue una medida de protección fundamental. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una descripción de la EP por COVID-19 entre los TS durante los primeros 10 meses de la pandemia. MÉTODOS: Se solicitaron datos no publicados a la Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo sobre TS con EP según sexo, edad, ocupación y provincia de residencia. Se calcularon la incidencia, la mortalidad y la letalidad entre TS mediante el análisis de 49 307 registros. RESULTADOS: La incidencia acumulada en el Sistema de Riesgos de Trabajo fue de 1479,6 infectados y 6 muertes por cada 10 000 asegurados. La incidencia entre los TS triplicó a la de la población general en edad de trabajar. Durante 2020 se produjeron 171 EP por día y una muerte cada dos días. El 69% de las infecciones afectaron a mujeres, mientras que el 66% de las muertes fueron en hombres. El personal de enfermería tuvo el 54% de las infecciones y el 58% de las muertes, mientras que en el personal médico estas cifras fueron de 28% y 32%, respectivamente. DISCUSIÓN: El 21% de TS no habrían notificado su infección como EP, pero el problema de notificación debe buscarse en las provincias. La incidencia para los TS en Argentina fue mayor que la informada en la bibliografía. Es necesario investigar la determinación ocupacional en los TS. La legislación debe incorporar definitivamente la COVID-19 al listado de EP.

Argentina , Saúde Pública , Saúde Ocupacional , SARS-CoV-2 , Mão de Obra em Saúde
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 37(1): 32-35, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400801


El síndrome de Arlequín es una condición neurológica poco común, la mayoría de las veces benigna. Por lo general la mayor parte de los casos son de causa idiopática (aunque existen causas secundarias). Esta afección consiste en la aparición de eritema e hiperhidrosis facial unilateral desencadenado por el ejercicio, calor, emociones o estrés, la que se produce debido a una disfunción contralateral de la vía simpática vasodilatadora y sudomotora. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino de 49 años, que relata presentar un cuadro de 15 años de evolución caracterizado por la aparición de eritema y sudoración excesiva de la hemicara derecha, la cual termina abruptamente en la línea media de la cara, gatillado por el ejercicio y el calor en verano, mientras que la hemicara izquierda presenta anhidrosis sin eritema.

The Harlequin syndrome is a rare neurological condition, most of the time benign. In general, most cases are idiopathic (although there are secondary causes). This condition consists in the appearance of unilateral facial erythema and hyperhidrosis triggered by exercise, heat, emotions or stress, which occurs due to a contralateral dysfunction of the sympathetic vasodilator and sudomotor pathway. We present the case of a 49-year-old male patient, with no relevant morbid history, who reports a medical history of 15 years of evolution, characterized by the appearance of erythema and excessive sweating of the right side of his face, which ends abruptly in the middle line of the face, triggered by exercise and heat during the summer. While the left side presents anhidrosis without erythema.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/diagnóstico , Rubor/diagnóstico , Hiperidrose/diagnóstico , Eritema , Face , Hipo-Hidrose
Plant Dis ; 2020 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32886039


Centella asiatica is a perennial, herbaceous creeper plant that belongs to the family Apiaceae. It has been known since prehistoric times and has been used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes (James and Dubery 2009; Gohil et al. 2010), and is easily propagated vegetatively. In 2018, plants of C. asiatica exhibiting foliar symptoms of mosaic and malformation were found in the botanical garden of the Plantarum Institute (Nova Odessa municipality, São Paulo state - 22°46'45.8"S 47°18'47.5"W) and in an experimental area at ESALQ/USP (Piracicaba municipality, São Paulo state - 22°42'26.0"S 47°37'48.6"W). In both locations the plants were grown in beds of approximately 4 m2 and all of them were symptomatic. Initially, leaf extract from symptomatic C. asiatica plants was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after being negatively stained with 1% uranyl acetate. Potyvirus-like flexuous filamentous particles were observed in leaf samples from both locations. TEM of thin sections of symptomatic leaf tissues revealed the presence of cylindrical inclusions, characteristic of infection by potyviruses, in the cytoplasm of epidermal, parenchymal, and vascular cells. Total RNA was extracted from symptomatic leaves collected in the Plantarum Institute (3 samples), and at Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (1 sample) using the Purelink viral RNA/DNA kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA). Reverse Transcription -Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) was performed using the degenerate primers CIFor (5'-GGIVVIGTIGGIWSIGGIAARTCIAC-3') and CIRev (5'-ACICCRTTYTCDATDATRTTIGTIGC-3'), which amplify a fragment of approximately 700 bp within the the cylindrical inclusion protein gene of potyviruses (Ha et al. 2008). Amplicons of the expected size were obtained for all four samples analysed. One amplicon per location was purified using the Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System kit (Promega), and directly sequenced in both directions at Macrogen Inc (Seoul, South Korea). The nucleotide sequences obtained from the symptomatic C. asiatica plants collected in the Plantarum Institute (GenBank Acc. No. MT668627), and at ESALQ/USP (GenBank Acc. No. MT668626) showed 97.1% and 96.2% identity, respectively, with the nucleotide sequence of a Brazilian isolate of bidens mosaic virus (BiMV), family Potyviridae, genus Potyvirus (GenBank Acc. No. KF649336). To confirm the infection of C. asiatica plants with BiMV, the previously extracted RNAs were analyzed by RT-PCR using the specific primers 8331 (5'-CGTGGGGCTATCCTGAATTG-3') and 9046 (5'-CCACATCAGAGAAGTGTGCC-3'), which amplify a fragment of 715 bp corresponding to the BiMV coat protein gene (Suzuki et al. 2009). The expected size amplicons were obtained for all four samples of symptomatic plants of C. asiatica. The nucleotide sequences of two amplicons (GenBank Acc. Nos. MT668628, and MT668629), representing plants from each location, showed 94.6% to 95.6% identities with corresponding nucleotide sequences of the coat protein gene of BiMV from Brazil (GenBank Acc. Nos. KF649336, AY960150, and AY960151). A leaf extract of a symptomatic C. asiatica plant was mechanically inoculated to healthy plants of Apium graveolens, Bidens pilosa, C. asiatica, Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Coriander sativum, Nicotiana benthamiana, N. tabacum and Petroselinum crispum. C. asiatica became systemically infected, reproducing the original symptoms of leaf mosaic and malformation. N. benthamiana was infected and developed severe mosaic symptoms, whereas C. amaranticolor and C. quinoa reacted only with necrotic and chlorotic local lesions, respectively. Other assayed plants were not infected. Potyvirus-like particles were observed by TEM in the infected plants and BiMV infection was confirmed by RT-PCR. Transmission assays of the BiMV isolate by aphids Myzus persicae and Aphys gossypii to healthy C. asiatica plants were also performed. Virus-free aphids of the two species, reared on Capsicum annuum and Gossypium hirsutum respectively, were fasted for 30 min and then placed, separately, on symptomatic leaves of C. asiatica for an acquisition access period (AAP) of 10 min. After that, groups of six insects were transferred, separately, to four healthy C. asiatica plants for an inoculation access period (IAP) of 24 h. After inoculation the insects were killed manually. Approximately 30 days later, one plant inoculated with each species of aphid exhibited symptoms and infection was confirmed by RT-PCR and nucleotide sequencing of the amplicons. BiMV was absent in control, non-inoculated plants in both mechacial and aphid transmission assays. Infection of spontaneously growing C. asiatica plants by potyvirus, determined by TEM, was previously reported in Curitiba and Colombo, state of Paraná, Brazil by Lima Neto and Souza (1981), but the virus was not fully characterized and identified. In addition to BiMV, plants of C. asiatica are also suscptible to infection with cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), as reported by Cardin and Moury (2010) in Madagascar. This is the first identification of BiMV naturally infecting C. asiatica. Additional works on effects of BiMV infection of C. asiatica on commercial production and pharmaceutical properties are required.

Arch Virol ; 165(6): 1463-1467, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32306146


Senna rizzinii is a flowering shrub found mainly in the northeast region of Brazil. Here, we report the coding-complete genome sequence, particle morphology, mode of transmission, and the indicator host responses of an isolate of the putative allexivirus cassia mild mosaic virus (CaMMV) found in S. rizzinii. The virus was transmitted mechanically to Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Gomphrena globosa, which showed local lesions, and S. rizzinii, and S. occidentalis, which were infected systemically. It was also efficiently transmitted to S. rizzinii by grafting. Seed transmission was not observed. The near-complete genome sequence of the virus is 7829 nucleotides in length, containing six open reading frames (ORF), like other allexiviruses.

Flexiviridae/genética , Flexiviridae/isolamento & purificação , Genoma Viral , Senna (Planta)/virologia , Brasil , Flexiviridae/classificação , Fases de Leitura Aberta , Filogenia , Doenças das Plantas/virologia , RNA Viral/genética , Sequenciamento Completo do Genoma
Acta amaz ; 50(1): 5-7, jan. - mar. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455384


The habanero chilli pepper, Capsicum chinense is an important crop in the Amazon Basin, mainly grown by small-scale producers. Capsicum chinense plants in an experimental field in the northern Brazilian state of Amazonas were found exhibiting characteristic symptoms of viral infection. Leaf sap from symptomatic plants examined under a transmission electron microscope revealed the presence of elongated flexuous particles and isometric particles. Using molecular assays, the viruses were identified as pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Aphids, identified as Aphis gossypii, were found colonizing the C. chinense plants in the field and may be the vector for both PepYMV and CMV. We report the first occurrence of these viruses infecting C. chinense in the state of Amazonas.

A pimenta-de-cheiro, Capsicum chinense é uma cultura importante na Bacia Amazônica, cultivada principalmente por pequenos produtores. Plantas de C. chinense em um campo experimental localizado no norte do estado brasileiro do Amazonas, foram encontradas apresentando sintomas característicos de infecção viral. Extratos de amostras de folhas sintomáticas examinados ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão revelaram a presença de partículas alongadas e flexuosas e de partículas isométricas. Análises moleculares permitiram identificar a presença do pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) e do cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Pulgões, identificados como Aphis gossypii foram encontrados colonizando pimenteiras-de-cheiro neste campo experimental e podem representar o provável vetor de PepYMV e CMV. Este trabalho relata a primeira ocorrência desses vírus infectando C. chinense no estado do Amazonas.

Capsicum/virologia , Cucumovirus/patogenicidade , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/instrumentação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta amaz ; 50(1)jan. - mar. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118471


The habanero chilli pepper, Capsicum chinense is an important crop in the Amazon Basin, mainly grown by small-scale producers. Capsicum chinense plants in an experimental field in the northern Brazilian state of Amazonas were found exhibiting characteristic symptoms of viral infection. Leaf sap from symptomatic plants examined under a transmission electron microscope revealed the presence of elongated flexuous particles and isometric particles. Using molecular assays, the viruses were identified as pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Aphids, identified as Aphis gossypii, were found colonizing the C. chinense plants in the field and may be the vector for both PepYMV and CMV. We report the first occurrence of these viruses infecting C. chinense in the state of Amazonas. (AU)

Potyvirus , Cucumovirus , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Vírus
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 36(1): 25-27, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381352


Las verrugas plantares son una patología común en la población. Estas lesiones son a menudo dolorosas y recidivantes. Entre los tratamientos más utilizados están las terapias tópicas destructivas, y menos frecuentemente, el tratamiento quirúrgico. Sin embargo, con frecuencia recurren, por lo que representan un desafío para los dermatólogos. Se presenta a un paciente de 29 años con una verruga plantar recalcitrante que fue tratada exitosamente con una sesión de láser PDL, sin recidiva luego de 12 meses de seguimiento.

Plantar warts are a common pathology in the population. These lesions are often painful and recurring. Among the most used treatments are topical destructive therapies, and less frequently, surgical treatment. However, they frequently recur, so they represent a challenge for the dermatologist. A 29 years old patient is presented with a recalcitrant plantar wart that was successfully treated with a single PDL laser session, without relapse after 12 months of follow-up.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Verrugas/cirurgia , Lasers de Corante/uso terapêutico
Arch Virol ; 164(11): 2805-2810, 2019 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31451963


Physalis peruviana is a perennial solanaceous plant that has recently been established as a commercial crop in Brazil. This work reports the near-complete genome sequence, particle morphology, and plant host responses to a putative new sobemovirus, named "physalis rugose mosaic virus". The virus, characterized by isometric particles of ca. 30 nm in diameter, causes foliar symptoms of mosaic, malformation and blistering, accompanied by stunting. The near-complete genome sequence comprises 4175 nucleotides and contains five open reading frames that are similar to those of other sobemoviruses. In addition to P. peruviana, the new virus systemically infected Capsicum annuum, Nicotiana tabacum and Solanum lycopersicum by mechanical inoculation. Thus, this virus may cause disease in these crops in the field.

Genoma Viral/genética , Vírus do Mosaico/classificação , Vírus do Mosaico/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Physalis/virologia , Doenças das Plantas/virologia , Vírus de Plantas/classificação , Vírus de Plantas/genética , Brasil , Capsicum/virologia , Solanum lycopersicum/virologia , Vírus do Mosaico/genética , Vírus de Plantas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , RNA Viral/genética , /virologia
Rev. bras. entomol ; 63(2): 115-118, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045555


Abstract Frankliniella zucchini transmits zucchini lethal chlorosis virus, causal agent of lethal chlorosis of zucchini squash. The characteristics of relationship between this virus with its vector have not been studied, one of the reasons being the lack of a method for rearing the thrips for laboratory studies. This work proposes a system for the rearing of F. zucchini on fresh virus free zucchini 'Caserta' fruits, offering a practical and efficient alternative for the supply of a large number of insects for later study of virus/vector relationship. In addition, to aid in the identification of this species of thrips, the immature and adult forms obtained from the colony were described.

J. Health NPEPS ; 2(1): 133-147, Janeiro-Junho. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1053061


Objetivo: determinar los niveles de estrés académico y el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso. Método: estudio descriptivo y transversal. Muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, para una muestra de 205 alumnos de ambos sexos. Los datos fueron colectados durante el periodo del primero al 15 de diciembre del 2015 y su análisis se realizó por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 22. Resultados: la media de edad de los participantes fue de 19.1 años (DE= 1.86), predominó el sexo femenino con un 82.0% (168). Un 25.4% (52) menciono estudiar y trabajar. El 65.3% del total de la muestra reportó niveles de estrés de moderado a alto. La prevalencia del consumo de alcohol en el último año y último mes fue de 59.0 y 32.2% respectivamente. Un 27.5% del total de la muestra reportó consumo dependiente, seguido del consumo dañino 16.6%. Conclusión: se identificaron niveles importantes de estrés en los universitarios, además de alta prevalencia de consumo de alcohol. Aunado a esto, un importante porcentaje de los encuestados consume alcohol de forma dependiente, lo cual requiere implementar intervenciones en esta población dirigidas a disminuir el estrés académico, así como abandonar y/o disminuir el consumo de alcohol.

Objective: to determine academic stress levels and alcohol consumption in first year university students. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study. nonprobabilistic convenience sample of 205 students of both sexes. The data were collected during the period from the first to the 15 of December of 2015 and its analysis was realized by means of the statistical package SPSS version 22. Results: the mean age of the participants was 19.1 years (SD = 1.86), the female sex was predominant with 82.0% (168). A 25.4% (52) mentioned study and work. 65.3% of the total sample reported moderate to high levels of stress. The prevalence of alcohol consumption within the last year and within the last month was of 59.0% and 32.2% respectively. Some 27.5% of the total sample reported consumption that indicated dependency, followed by 16.6% whose level of consumption was harmful. Conclusion: significant levels of stress were found in the university students, as well as an elevated prevalence of alcohol consumption. Moreover, for a significant percentage of those surveyed, their consumption showed signs of dependency, calling for actions directed toward this population to diminish academic stress as well as to give up and/or decrease alcohol consumption.

Objetivo: determinar os níveis de estresse escolar e consumo de álcool em calouros universitários. Métodos: estudo descritivo e transversal. Amostragem não probabilística por conveniência, para uma amostra de 205 estudantes de ambos os sexos. Os dados foram coletados durante período de primeiro a 15 de dezembro de 2015 e a análise foi realizada através do SPSS versão 22. Resultados: a idade média dos participantes foi de 19,1 anos (DP = 1,86), o sexo feminino predominou com 82,0%. 25,4% mencionaram estudo e trabalho. 65,3% do total da amostra relataram níveis de estresse moderado a elevado. A prevalência do consumo de álcool no último ano e no último mês foi de 59,0 e 32,2%, respectivamente. 27,5% do total da amostra relataram consumo dependente, seguido por 16,6% do consumo prejudicial. Conclusão: níveis significativos foram identificados na universidade, além de alta prevalência de consumo de álcool. Além disso, uma percentagem significativa dos inquiridos consomem maneira dependente de álcool, o que requer a implementação de intervenções nessa população destinadas a reduzir o stress académico e deixar e/ou reduzir o consumo de álcool.

Estudantes , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Estresse Psicológico
Arch Virol ; 162(2): 529-533, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27796545


In this work, we report the complete genome sequence of, production of polyclonal antibodies against, and development of biological assays for a putative new potexvirus, named senna mosaic virus (SenMV), found infecting Senna occidentalis in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The complete genome sequence of SenMV comprises 6775 nucleotides excluding the poly(A) tail. The genome organization is similar to those of other potexviruses, with five open reading frames coding for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), the triple gene block (TGB 1, 2, and 3) proteins, and coat protein (CP). The virus was transmitted to S. occidentalis by mechanical inoculation and trimming scissors, but not by seeds.

Genoma Viral , Vírus do Mosaico/genética , Potexvirus/genética , RNA Viral/genética , Senna (Planta)/virologia , Proteínas Virais/genética , Brasil , Proteínas do Capsídeo/genética , Tamanho do Genoma , Vírus do Mosaico/classificação , Vírus do Mosaico/isolamento & purificação , Fases de Leitura Aberta , Filogenia , Doenças das Plantas/virologia , Potexvirus/classificação , Potexvirus/isolamento & purificação , RNA Polimerase Dependente de RNA/genética
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: lil-791917


The research objective is to discover the relation between illegal drug consumption in secondary education students and the family environment, friends and social vulnerability. The data were taken from the III National Study for the Prevention of Drug Consumption in secondary education students, developed at educative institutions in Lima Metropolitana, Peru, with information from 6233 students. The analysis evidences that having a family member with alcohol problems increases the risk of illegal drug consumption by 47%, and having a family member with drug problems increases the risk by 2.5 times. About drug consumptions and involvement of the peer group in criminal activities, these increase the risk for illegal drug consumption by up to 2.2 times in the first case and by up to 39% in the second case. This study offers scientific evidence for the development of substance consumption prevention strategies in the State of Peru.

O objetivo dessa pesquisa é definir a relação entre o consumo de drogas ilegais pelos estudantes do ensino médio e o entorno familiar, amigos e vulnerabilidade social. Os dados são provenientes do III Estudio Nacional Prevención y consumo de drogas en estudantes de secundária, realizado em instituições educacionais localizadas na região metropolitana de Lima, no Peru, contendo informações de 6233 estudantes. A análise evidencia que ter um familiar com problemas de álcool aumenta o risco de consumo de drogas ilegais em 47%, e um familiar com problemas de drogas em 2,5 vezes. Sobre o consumo de drogas e envolvimento em atividades delitivas do grupo de pares, estes incrementam no primeiro caso até 2,2 vezes o risco para o consumo de drogas ilegais e, no segundo caso, até 39%. Esse trabalho contribui com evidências científicas para o desenvolvimento de estratégias com relação à prevenção do consumo de drogas ilegais no Peru.

El objetivo de la investigación es conocer la relación entre el consumo de drogas ilegales en estudiantes de educación secundaria y el entorno familiar, amical y vulnerabilidad social. Los datos provienen del III Estudio Nacional Prevención y consumo de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria, realizado en instituciones educativas ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana, Perú, que tiene información de 6233 estudiantes. El análisis evidencia que tener un familiar con problemas de alcohol incrementa el riesgo de consumo de drogas ilegales en 47%, y un familiar con problemas de drogas en 2,5 veces. Sobre el consumo de drogas e involucramiento en actividades delictivas del grupo de pares, estos incrementan en el primer caso hasta 2,2 veces el riesgo para el consumo de drogas ilegales y, en el segundo caso, hasta 39%. El presente trabajo aporta evidencia científica para el desarrollo de estrategias en materia de prevención del consumo de sustancias en el Estado Peruano.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Fatores de Risco , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Relações Familiares , Usuários de Drogas , Relações Interpessoais
Arch Virol ; 161(5): 1335-41, 2016 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26869279


This work reports the complete genome sequence, production of a polyclonal antiserum, and host range of a Brazilian strain of johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV) found infecting Panicum maximum in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The complete genome sequence of this potyvirus, comprising 9874 nucleotides, showed 82 % amino acid sequence identity in the polyprotein to that of an isolate of JGMV from Australia. The experimental host range of this virus included mainly fodder species. Cultivated species such as rice, oats, sugarcane, rye, corn and wheat were not infected, suggesting that current isolates of this potyvirus do not represent a threat to these crops in Brazil.

Genoma Viral/genética , Potyvirus/genética , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Sequência de Bases , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Panicum/virologia , Poaceae/virologia , Potyvirus/isolamento & purificação , Potyvirus/patogenicidade
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 25(50): 27-32, jul. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-768630


Los lipomas son tumores benignos de origen mesenquimal que se pueden localizar en lugares donde el tejido adiposo está normalmente presente. De hecho, sonn los tumores mesenquimales más frecuentes en nuestro organismo. Se localizan principalmente en tejidos subcutáneos del cuello, tronco ylas extremidades, siendo raros en la cavidad bucal. Su tamaño, en la cavidad bucal, usualmente no excede los 3 cm y se localiza más frecuentemente en carrillos, lengua y piso de la boca. Se presenta un caso de un lipoma de 4,7 cm de diámetro en fondo de surco vestibular y se hace una revisión de la literatura.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças da Boca/classificação , Doenças da Boca/diagnóstico , Lipoma , Lipoma/cirurgia , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Argentina , Biópsia/métodos , Unidade Hospitalar de Odontologia , Diagnóstico por Imagem/métodos , Lipoma , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/métodos
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 24(48): 23-28, mayo 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-754712


El éxito de la reendodoncia está basado en gran parte en la correcta limpieza y preparación del sistema de conductos radiculares. Esto implica la eliminación de la obturación anterior y el remodelado del conducto. El material de obturación que queda en el conducto puede involucrar microorganismos y dentina infectada que comprometen el pronóstico del tratamiento. En este trabajo se comparó in vitro la eficacia de los sistemas ProTaper Universal Retratamiento (Dentsply Maillefer), D-RaCe Retratamiento (FKG) y Mtwo Retratamiento (VDW) para la remoción de conos de gutapercha y sellador. El sistema que dejó mayor residuo fue RaCe. De los otros dos sistemas, Mtwo tuvo el mejor desempeño,pero no llegó a presentar diferencias estadísticamente significativas con ProTaper. Mtwo logró una limpieza del 79,03 por ciento, seguido por el ProTaper con el 75,94 por ciento y RaCe con el 49,01 por ciento. La eliminación completa de la obturación endodóntica no se logró con ninguno de los sistemas de instrumentos investigados...

Falha de Restauração Dentária , Equipamentos Odontológicos de Alta Rotação , Retratamento/instrumentação , Retratamento/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/efeitos adversos , Análise de Variância , Dente Canino , Preparo de Canal Radicular/métodos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 23(47): 5-12, dic. 2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-722388


El éxito de la reendodoncia está basado en gran parte en la correcta limpieza y preparación del sistema de conductos radiculares. Esto implica la eliminación de la obturación anterior y el remodelado del conducto. El material de obturación que queda en el conducto, puede involucrar microorganismos y dentina infectada que comprometen el pronóstico del tratamiento. Por lo tanto, la eficiencia en la remoción del material de obturación es esencial para poder tener un acceso a los microorganismos remanentes y restos de tejido pulpar. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar tres formas de desobturación in vitro y ver cuál eliminaba mejor el sellador y los conos de gutapercha y cuál lo lograba en menor tiempo. Se encontró que la mejor limpieza se logró con la desobturación manual. Con ProTaper se logró la limpieza en un 46 por ciento, con RaCe en un 60 por ciento y con manual en un 87,91 por ciento. Con las técnicas de desobturación mecanizada se logró el procedimiento en menor tiempo. El promedio fue de 3 min. 26 seg. con ProTaper, 2 min. 54 seg. con D-Race y de 13 min. 48 seg. con la técnica manual

Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular , Retratamento/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/efeitos adversos , Análise de Variância , Equipamentos Odontológicos de Alta Rotação , Prognóstico , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Fatores de Tempo
Rev. Soc. Odontol. Plata ; 23(47): 5-12, dic. 2013. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130007


El éxito de la reendodoncia está basado en gran parte en la correcta limpieza y preparación del sistema de conductos radiculares. Esto implica la eliminación de la obturación anterior y el remodelado del conducto. El material de obturación que queda en el conducto, puede involucrar microorganismos y dentina infectada que comprometen el pronóstico del tratamiento. Por lo tanto, la eficiencia en la remoción del material de obturación es esencial para poder tener un acceso a los microorganismos remanentes y restos de tejido pulpar. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar tres formas de desobturación in vitro y ver cuál eliminaba mejor el sellador y los conos de gutapercha y cuál lo lograba en menor tiempo. Se encontró que la mejor limpieza se logró con la desobturación manual. Con ProTaper se logró la limpieza en un 46 por ciento, con RaCe en un 60 por ciento y con manual en un 87,91 por ciento. Con las técnicas de desobturación mecanizada se logró el procedimiento en menor tiempo. El promedio fue de 3 min. 26 seg. con ProTaper, 2 min. 54 seg. con D-Race y de 13 min. 48 seg. con la técnica manual(AU)

Retratamento/métodos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/efeitos adversos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Análise de Variância , Fatores de Tempo , Prognóstico , Equipamentos Odontológicos de Alta Rotação
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 22(2): 43-50, jul.-dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-581326


OBJETIVO: Valorar la correspondencia entre los resultados obtenidos con el tomógrafo retiniano de Heildelberg y la perimetría azul-amarillo en pacientes sospechosos de glaucoma. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo de corte longitudinal en 30 pacientes sospechosos de glaucoma, desde de noviembre de 2006 hasta abril de 2007. Se les realizaron tres exámenes topográficos de la papila óptica y tres exámenes perimétricos con un intervalo de 2 meses en un período de 6 meses. RESULTADOS: Predominó la edad mayor de 40 años (56,67 por ciento). Se observaron hallazgos topográficos sugestivos de glaucoma en un 63,3 por ciento de la muestra y fueron los más frecuentes: la excavación mayor de 0,6 en su eje vertical y el adelgazamiento del anillo neurorretiniano (56,67 por ciento en ambos casos). Aparecieron cambios perimétricos en 43,3 por ciento de los casos estudiados y los más frecuentes fueron en el primer estudio, el aumento de la mancha ciega y la pérdida general de la sensibilidad (10 por ciento). También estas manifestaciones fueron las más frecuentes en el segundo estudio (13,33 por ciento); el tercer estudio arrojó de forma similar una pérdida general de la sensibilidad en 43,33 por ciento de los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: Los cambios topográficos precedieron en un mayor número de casos a los cambios perimétricos.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the correlation between the results achieved with the Heidelberg retinal tomography and the blue-on-yellow perimetry in glaucoma-suspected patients. METHODS: A prospective longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted on 30 glaucoma-suspected patients, from November 2006 to April 2007. Three topographic tests and three perimetric tests were performed on these patients in a 6-month period at 2- month intervals. RESULTS: Over 40 years of age prevailed (56,67 percent). Topographic findings indicative of glaucoma were observed in 63,3 percent of the sample and the most frequent were excavation higher than 0,6 in the vertical axis and the reduction of the neuroretinal ring (56,67 percent in both cases). Perimetric changes appeared in 43,3 percent in all the studied cases and the most common changes were increase of the blind spot and the general loss of sensitivity (10 percent) in the first study, and also in the second study (13,33 percent); the third study similarly yielded a general loss of sensitivity in 43,33 percent of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Topographic changes occurred before the perimetric changes in a high number of cases.
